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    Sound is the Most Powerful Medium for Natural Healing. It is Being Used for Thousands of Years Not Known to the Human Kind For The Purpose Of Treatment of Several Deadly Diseases and For Natural Healing, Sound Healing Through Sacred Tibetan Singing Bowls Remained A Secret And Only A Few People Could Get The Benefits Of Healing Sounds. But Nowadays With The Focus On Natural Therapy And Healing, Sound Healing Is Becoming More Popular. Sound Healing Is Scientifically Proven & Highly Effective Therapy To Cure Immunity System, Stress, Depression, Anxiety, Fear, Negative Thoughts, Phobia, OCD, Bipolar Disorder, Autism, Memory Loss, Weak Concentration, Migraine, High Blood Pressure, Heart Attack, Diabetes, Headaches, Insomnia, Joint Pain, Cancer, Obesity, Skin Disorders, And Many Other Mental & Physical Disorders.

    Sound Medicine is based on over 5000 Years of Indian Medicine. According To Ancient Eastern Teachings and As per Modern Physics the Universe and Mankind Were Created from Sound (Big Bang Theory of Physics), Therefore Man is Made-up of SOUND. When A Sick Man Is Nourished With A Right Kind Of Harmonic Sound Through Sacred Tibetan Singing Bowls, The Billions & Billions Of Cells In His Body Start To Vibrate & Reorganize Themselves According To Divine Blue Print, In A State Of Healthy Being. Sound Healing Helps The Body Remember Its Own Healthy Harmonic Resonance. Once The Body Has Been Restored To An Ideal State Of Wellness And Harmony, Ongoing Exposure To Healing Sounds Will Assist In Maintaining Good Mental & Physical Health.


    Believe It, A Single Session Of Sound & Energy Healing Can Entirely Change Your Life Towards Good Health, Good Relationship, Prosperity, Peace & Spiritual Growth.

    Healing Tools

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    Sacred Tibetan Singing Bowls Sound is the essence of life. The universe owes its existence to sound, we use old Tibetan Siddha singing bowls for healing.


    Tuning Forks are One of the best instruments for aligning our right & left Brain to their harmonic state


    Sound of Planetary & shamanic Gongs is the powerful tool to deviate mind to help mind plunge into the oceanic state


    Every Chakra has their own powerful seed mantra so we also use these mantras for balancing or rejuvenating the chakras.

    Explore Sound & Energy Healing Workshops

    You Can Choose The Workshops As Per Your Convenience

    Institutional / Corporate Workshop

    In This Workshop, We Do As On Mass Level 50 or Above 50 Participants.

    Ultimate Benefits


    Effortless Meditation

    People new to meditation sometimes find it difficult to concentrate. Isochronic tone takes you to attain deeper state of meditation

    Powerful Relaxation

    It is popularly being used for Relaxation. Helps you attain deeper relaxation required for thoughtless meditation

    Stress & Depression & Anxiety Relief

    Hyperactivity during stress and anxiety reduces and brings you back to low beta activities and make you feel relax.

    Boosts Confidence

    Makes you feel emotionally nurtured, secured and satisfied. Allows and maintain healthy energy flow in the body

    Remove Fear, Phobia & Negativity

    It cleanses your body and helps you remove stuck emotions. Remove fear blocks at emotional and cellular level

    Energy & Aura Enhancement

    Without caffeine and energy drink just by listening to Isochronic tones one can increase alertness

    Remove Sleep Disorders & Insomnia

    Works on hyperactivity putting you into great relaxation. Relax mind will help you maintain positive state of mind

    Improves Immunity

    Overcome Illness and live life with energy and well-being Heal our body by producing Positive frequencies.

    Chakra Balancing

    Sacred sound makes you vibrate with positive energy. Automatically you start to find solution.

    Increases Mental Strength

    Sound energy provides you with vital energy to remain positive and removes negative emotions and phobia.

    Peace & Prosperity

    The sacred sound energy is a must for peace and prosperity in life. It helps you accelerate in your career and attracts.

    Spiritual Growth

    Sound is the best medium to connect with the supreme lord. It takes you to deep meditation and you find yourself.

    Harmonic Relationship

    The sacred sound energy helps you maintain good relationship with people around you It creates a kind of blissful harmony.

    Activate Stuck Energy

    Sound Healing Therapy helps you activate the stuck energy within you and optimizes the full energy potential..

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    About Maestro Sudhir Sharma

    Welcome Everyone In The World Of Sacred Sound & Energy Healing, Sound & Energy Healing Of Well Being Is Being Carried To Each And Every Person Of The World By Well Known Maestro Sudhir Sharma. He Is A Professional Sound Healer, Trainer & 4th Dimensional Healing Expert, He Got an Award Of Appreciation For Their Precious Contribution In Sound Healing, He Is The Innovator And Expert Of Healing Through Sound Frequencies & Vibrations, He Helped Thousands Of People To Cure Deadly Diseases All Over The World.

    Trust, Believe, And Have Faith That Just Spending A Single Day With Maestro Sudhir Sharma In A Sacred Sound & Energy Healing Session Will Change Your Life. The Revolutionary Concept Of Sound & Energy Healing And Its Physical, Mental & Spiritual Application Is Being Practiced By Sudhir Sharma For Last 10 Years. He Has Become A Well Known Personality In Holistic Healing By Helping And Providing Relief To People Of All Age Groups Including Working Professionals, Students, Corporate Groups, Old Age People And Senior Citizens, House Makers, Medical Professionals Including Doctors, Energy Healers, And Teachers.

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