How to Select Best & Right Singing Bowls

How to Select Best & Right Singing Bowls

In the modern times, it is really difficult to find the genuine singing bowls. While buying the singing bowls we need to be careful to examine its shape and composition. Please keep in mind that the shape, size, weight and composition are most important factors to consider while purchasing singing bowls. With the spread of modern methodology of making singing bowls in large quantities, we have lost its original essence and craft. Most of the sellers of singing bowls are procuring them from factories which cast them instantly while losing its original essence of healing. Also they a capable of producing vibrating sounds; they lack specific vitality and spirit which are the most unique properties of singing bowls.


The crafting, designing and creating a singing bowls takes much time and effort. The original singing bowls are not cast in factories rather they are beaten and hammered and then given an original shape to produce the most mesmerizing harmonic sacred sounds of healing. We have a team of experts at Sound & Energy Healing who are well trained to source and create the original singing bowls which produce the most sacred, warm, deeply penetrating sounds that affects each and every part of your physical body, mind and soul.

For details in singing bowls please write to us at

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